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Unlocking Savings and Efficiency with the Save on Energy Program

27 August 2024 | Michael Hebert


In today's competitive manufacturing environment, controlling costs and maximizing efficiency are paramount. For maintenance managers overseeing compressed air systems,Save on Energy is an energy efficiency program that offers a substantial opportunity to reduce energy consumption and save money. This article draws on real-world examples, energy saving tips, expert insights, and my personal experience in the field to show how the Save on Energy program can transform your facility’s energy management.

Understanding Compressed Air Systems and Their Challenges

Compressed air systems are vital across industries, from food and pharma to automotive and packaging. However, as a Compressed Air and Energy Saving Specialist with over four years of experience, I’ve noticed a recurring issue: these systems are often oversized to account for future growth and safety factors, leading to significant inefficiencies.

The Impact of Oversizing

Throughout my career, I’ve visited numerous factories and observed the same pattern—compressors that are larger than necessary, sometimes by as much as 50%. While this may seem like a cautious approach, it results in paying more for energy and maintenance than required. Over time, this can lead to costs that could have funded a new compressor entirely.

Real-World Example: Downsizing for Savings

A recent project I worked on involved a plastic packaging company running a 75-horsepower compressor at just 30% utilization. By conducting an Air Demand Audit (ADA), we determined that a 50-horsepower compressor was more appropriate. This adjustment, coupled with the Save on Energy program’s rebates, led to a $27,000 rebate and significant energy savings.

The Save on Energy Program: How It Works

The Save on Energy program is designed to incentivize businesses to reduce their energy consumption by downsizing and optimizing their equipment. For compressed air systems, this often means transitioning to a smaller, more efficient compressor that aligns more closely with actual demand.

Saveonenergy program

Steps to Take Advantage of the Program

  1. Conduct an Air Demand Audit (ADA): Begin by performing an ADA, which involves attaching pressure, voltage, and flow meters to your system to monitor real-time usage. This data is invaluable for validating the size of the compressor needed.

  2. Work with an Energy Specialist: After gathering data, consult with an energy specialist to navigate the rebate process. In the case of the plastic packaging company, the ADA data was essential in securing a substantial rebate.

  3. Optimize and Rebate: Once the new compressor is installed, the energy savings and maintenance cost reductions often pay for the compressor within months. The Save on Energy program offers rebates based on the horsepower reduced, providing immediate financial benefits.

Benefits Beyond Energy Savings

Participating in the Save on Energy program has advantages beyond lowering energy bills. For instance, the program can also help create a more reliable compressed air system by providing redundancy. In the case study mentioned earlier, the customer not only downsized their compressor but also added a redundancy backup. This ensures that production doesn’t halt if the primary compressor requires maintenance.

Financial Benefits

The financial impact of downsizing and utilizing Save on Energy rebates can be substantial. For example, one company was able to lease a new compressor, effectively making the equipment free after accounting for the rebates and energy savings. This kind of return on investment (ROI) is nearly unmatched, with some systems paying for themselves in as little as six months.

Personal Experience and Expert Insights

As someone who has spent years in the field, I can attest to the importance of right-sizing your compressed air systems. My background in mechanical engineering and my work with Air Solutions Canada have provided me with the knowledge and experience needed to help companies achieve substantial savings through the Save on Energy program. By leveraging detailed data from ADA processes and working closely with clients, we’ve been able to design systems that not only save energy but also improve overall operational efficiency and operating costs.


The Save on Energy program presents an excellent opportunity for maintenance managers to optimize their compressed air systems, reduce operational costs, and improve efficiency. By conducting an Air Demand Audit and working with energy specialists, companies can unlock substantial rebates and achieve quick ROI. If you’re looking to make your facility more efficient and cost-effective, now is the perfect time to explore what the Save on Energy program can do for you.

Ready to Start Saving?
Contact your local Air Solutions Canada representative for a free site audit and see how much you could save. For more information, visit  Ontario’s Save on Energy Program.


Founded in 1997, Air Solutions Canada is a leading specialist in compressed air systems with over 25 years of experience. We boast the largest compressed air team in Southern Ontario, ensuring rapid and effective solutions with a 90% first-time fix rate. Our comprehensive air-demand analysis identifies the optimal solutions tailored to your needs, implemented and serviced by our expert technical team for enhanced efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

We offer a full range of services including consultation, installation, and maintenance, as well as rental equipment and 24/7 emergency support. Trust Air Solutions Canada for a radically different approach that delivers superior solutions at a lower cost.

For more information, visit www.airsolcan.com or contact us at (905) 628-2662. Stay connected with us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.


Contact Us

When you speak to us, ask for an Air Demand Analysis. It will give you the performance data of your current compressed air system and show the savings you can generate. We offer a performance guarantee - if we don’t identify inefficiencies within your system which are equivalent to the cost of the ADA study, then the study will be free! And in the meantime, download the Ultimate Guide on Rightsizing your Compressed Air System. You can stop being frustrated that they were over promised and under delivered, and instead be confident with a radically different solution that serves your needs better at a lower cost. 


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