What are you looking for?

Fluke Ii900

Measuring and Monitoring Equipment


The success of many compressed air projects begins with an air demand analysis study. Our ADA analysis studies data log and record the kilowatt consumption of the air compressors electric motor, the system pressure exiting your air receiver tank, or the discharge pipe and the volume of compressed air being discharged by each air compressor, in CFM.

Because compressed air is an expensive commodity to produce, it is important to capture and utilize as much of this energy as possible. Compressed air leaks are responsible for 15% of the compressed air you are generating and if this energy is released into the atmosphere it occurs at huge expense. This is why we strongly recommend a leak detection study, at least once per year.

Measuring the compressed air quality is also an important facet of production up time and quality and this can be confirmed and sustained using oil measuring equipment, pressure dew point monitors and flow meters. 

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Fluke LeakQ™ mode on ii900 acoustic imager

A multitude of measuring devices and services are available, “in house”, at Air Solutions to assist your every need. After all, we can’t improve what we don’t measure. The Fluke ii900 is an ideal thermal imaging leak detection device. Kaesers Air Demand Analysis, (KESS), analysis data logs and records Hydro kW power, system pressure and cfm flow.
Pressure dewpoint and flow measurement and data logging are also obtainable.

The system

With the use of our measuring and monitoring equipment we have the ability to measure dew point, pressure dew point metres for refrigeration and adsorption dryers, flow metres/consumption metres for compressed air and gases, leak detectors and software solutions. 

Frequently asked questions

See all Frequently Asked Questions
What else do Kaeser and Air Solutions Canada offer?

Rotary Vacuum and Rotary Blowers are other facets of Kaeser's product range.

Air Solutions will design, build and install any of the Kaeser range of products, including compressors, vacuums, blowers and a full range of clean air treatments. Our turnkey approach to rigging, piping, ductwork and electrical, means that one call does it all.

Do you offer delivery and pickup services?

Yes, we offer delivery and pickup services for all of our rental equipment. We'll work with you to schedule a convenient time for delivery and pickup that works with your schedule.

How it works

Our tried-and-tested approach to get you a reliable compressed air solution at the lowest possible cost of ownership looks like this:

Discovery call

Discovery call

Our solutions specialist visits your facility to discuss your current situation, pain points, future plans, and potential government incentives. We can undertake as little, or as much, of your project as you would like.

Requirement analysis

Requirement analysis

We analyze the equipment at your facility, its performance, condition, and suitability. We ensure that storage, piping, and compressed air quality are in line with your requirements and best practices.

Turnkey installation

Turnkey installation

Everything we do is “in house.” Air audits, leak detection, design, build, and service are handled quickly and efficiently.This approach means that we manage every aspect of your project, avoiding finger pointing and single source supply for you and your organization.

Maintenance and repair

Maintenance and repair

Whether you require emergency breakdown response, predictive, or preventative maintenance our team has you covered. Air end and motor service and rebuilds, piping, and analysation are also available.

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Contact Us

When you speak to us, ask for an Air Demand Analysis. It will give you the performance data of your current compressed air system and show the savings you can generate. We offer a performance guarantee - if we don’t identify inefficiencies within your system which are equivalent to the cost of the ADA study, then the study will be free! And in the meantime, download the Ultimate Guide on Rightsizing your Compressed Air System. You can stop being frustrated that they were over promised and under delivered, and instead be confident with a radically different solution that serves your needs better at a lower cost. 


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