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Oil Free Screw Compressors

Oil-Free Screw Compressors


Applications in the food, pharmaceutical, brewery, hospital, and dairy, and beverage manufacturing industries often require oil free compressed air as they run hygienically sensitive processes. We have new, pre-owned and rental oil free options for your consideration. Fixed and variable speed machines with intuitive Sigma 2 compressor control means that our oil free range is at the cutting edge of energy efficiency, communication, output capacity, and friendly maintenance.


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Oil free Kaeser rotary screw air compressor introduction

See why the Kaeser oil free compressor range is head and shoulders above the rest. 9% increased output scfm efficiency, fixed and variable speed options, and simplistic affordable maintenance friendly design and components. Sigma 2 compressor control tracks and logs performance and energy data, alarms, messages and maintenance. All of these features can be seamlessly communicated to remote devices, or BMS’s, via Ethernet. Our rugged two stage air end block is engineered to outperform other manufacturers. Our rotors are blasted, bonded, and treated to withstand temperatures as high as 575ºF . Air dryer options on most models can be heat of compression (iHOC) style, or refrigerated (T) packages.

The System

The main advantage of an oil-free compressor is the air purity it delivers is generally free of any oil contamination. Food, dairy, beverage, and medical industries require clean compressed air for manufacturing purposes, so generating oil-free compressed air is typically essential. The smallest amount of oil contamination can be catastrophic to a business’s reputation and products, resulting in product spoilage, recalls, damaged equipment and bad press. Kaesers oil free range will deliver ISO compressed air quality class 8573-1 Class zero. 

How it works

Our tried-and-tested approach to get you a reliable compressed air solution at the lowest possible cost of ownership looks like this:

Discovery call

Discovery call

Our solutions specialist visits your facility to discuss your current situation, pain points, future plans, and potential government incentives. We can undertake as little, or as much, of your project as you would like.

Requirement analysis

Requirement analysis

We analyze the compressed air equipment at your facility, its performance, condition, control mechanisms, and suitability. We ensure that storage, piping, and compressed air quality are in line with your requirements and best practices.

Turnkey design and installation

Turnkey design and installation

Everything we do is “in house.” Compressed air system design, air audits, leak detection, design, build, installation, and air compressor service are handled quickly and efficiently. This approach means that we manage every aspect of your project and create single source supply for you and your organization.

Maintenance and repair

Maintenance and repair

Whether you require emergency breakdown response, predictive, or preventative maintenance our team has you covered. Air end and motor service and rebuilds, piping system, and analysation are also available.

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Contact Us

When you speak to us, ask for an Air Demand Analysis. It will give you the performance data of your current compressed air system and show the savings you can generate. We offer a performance guarantee - if we don’t identify inefficiencies within your system which are equivalent to the cost of the ADA study, then the study will be free! And in the meantime, download the Ultimate Guide on Rightsizing your Compressed Air System. You can stop being frustrated that they were over promised and under delivered, and instead be confident with a radically different solution that serves your needs better at a lower cost. 


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