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Do I need to buy insurance when renting an air compressor?

It's advisable to inquire about insurance options when renting an air compressor. Many rental providers offer insurance coverage for a nominal fee. This insurance provides protection against potential damages or accidents during the rental period, offering peace of mind. Evaluate the terms and conditions and consider opting for insurance to ensure comprehensive coverage and avoid potential unexpected costs.


Contact Us

When you speak to us, ask for an Air Demand Analysis. It will give you the performance data of your current compressed air system and show the savings you can generate. We offer a performance guarantee - if we don’t identify inefficiencies within your system which are equivalent to the cost of the ADA study, then the study will be free! And in the meantime, download the Ultimate Guide on Rightsizing your Compressed Air System. You can stop being frustrated that they were over promised and under delivered, and instead be confident with a radically different solution that serves your needs better at a lower cost. 


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